Question & answer

Two questions about love and being in love

Love & being in love

I'm in love! Is it love?

from “Morya Wisdom 1: A deeper sense of life”
(Geert Crevits) ©

Love means being able to see the other

(...) And here is where I began, saying that love means that you must be able to see the other. This doesn’t mean the light has to be on. No, but you should be inwardly present with the other, so to speak.

You should be able to see the other, in other words to notice the other, let him be himself, ask who he is, study him, observe and keep your attention on him for a long time. So love at first sight is almost impossible, I would say, because it may well involve a ‘being in love’, but love, on the other hand, calls for an enormous amount of knowledge. Love calls for an intuition which may be instantaneous, but that also invites you to go further with the other.

You should be able to see the other, in other words to notice the other, let him be himself, ask who he is, study him, observe and keep your attention on him for a long time.

Love calls for an enormous amount of knowledge.

If there were no other, love would not exist

Love has patience, love knows where to go, love carries a knowledge and love is brought out by the other.

If there were no other, love would not exist. Now you might say, “God is God and the Divine is completely happy in Itself,” but God is never alone. If no other existed, love would not exist.

In its essence love includes the other, without the other love would not be possible. Therefore whenever a person only thinks of himself and only thinks about his own happiness, then no love can come into being. This means that love cannot blossom, it cannot grow, it cannot become what it is. 

Whenever a person only thinks of himself and only thinks about his own happiness, then no love can come into being.

Being in love vs. love

This is also the difference between being in love and love. Being ‘in love’ is concentrated on the self. Because of another you suddenly discover and open a floodgate of enormous power that you never knew was there. However, at the very beginning it is your own spark, your own happiness, your own blood racing, your own heartbeat and so on that you will notice first of all – one’s own energy brought to life by the other.

Because of another you suddenly discover and open a floodgate of enormous power that you never knew was there.

And this being-in-love is only a taste of what love can be, for love will set your heart on fire. Once you have touched that fire you will know what love is.

So love brings you into a state of open-heartedness, a state of knowingness that rises from the heart, a knowing of the central idea, a knowingness which engages your being, and a knowledge of the way to the Divine, the depth, the burning, the feeling that is being ennobled into intuition." 

Master Morya

Master Morya

Geert Crevits ©
Source: “Morya Wisdom 1: A deeper sense of life”
from chapter 9: 'About love and sexuality (2)'

Morya Wisdom 1: A deeper sense of life

Love & being in love

What is love?

from “Morya Wisdom 1: A deeper sense of life”
(Geert Crevits) ©

Every powerful effort to reach your Self teaches you that you can bring about changes in yourself that have to do with simplicity, power, memory and love.

In life love is the most important of all the things that you could name because love has to do with the development of every facet of yourself. 

What people call love

What people call love is not always love. This word is often used to denote energies or impressions that man evokes in himself and have actually nothing to do with love but rather with sensitivity and the unfolding and development of feelings, with things that exist in order to awaken other things.

If you can manage to come to a love which is real love, then you should also dare to see that there are elements in your life that are constantly seeking expres­sion and that this expression that you are seeking is a continual journey towards love and that this is, therefore, not fully love. 

The connection between God and humankind is love

Love, which is the most important thing that man can experience in his life, always involves the Divine. The Divine expressing itself in the human being is love. God’s intention with humankind is love. What the human being learns from the Divine is love. This is how you could express it. There is always a connection between God and humankind, and that connection is love. This is how you could express it in its purest form. Love is the most important because it directly reveals the Divine in man. But man cannot recognize it as such.

The Divine in your life

The individual has within him forms of love which he discovers and these forms of love are related to everything in his life. Each and every factor in his life can become an expression of love, of the Divine in himself. The significance of this is that you open your heart to the Divine in your life at whatever level, at whatever time and for whatever element of transmission. 

And this is so special – the fact that love involves a transmission of power that comes from the Divine, that you experience this and that you then know, “This element of power that came to me and that I experienced is not something I can keep for myself. I have to transmit it to others.” Then it becomes real love. This love involves movement from here to there, something that comes to love and that goes out from it to the other with a certain purpose. And that purpose is to manifest the Divine in life. This is love.

You can show love physically, emotionally, mentally ... all these areas plus several others are capable of being vehicles of love.

When people are together and are trying to express the Divine, then they are involved in love. You can learn to do this on every level of existence. You can show love physically, emotionally, mentally ... all these areas plus several others are capable of being vehicles of love. You can receive energy, carry energy from the Divine within you and since you have experienced it, you can transmit it.


As soon as you reach a higher level

In this way you can learn that everything there is exists for a specific function with a specific purpose. This is to create tensions that then dissolve as soon as you reach a higher level.

It always comes down to the fact that in the whole development of man there are levels. You have physical experience, emotional experience, ethereal experience … there are so many directions in life that it is nearly impossible to name them all. There are so many possible contrasts and levels. You will discover that one level always points to the next. For the highest level is already present in the lowest level.

Everything there is exists for a specific function with a specific purpose: to create tensions that then dissolve as soon as you reach a higher level.

Something beyond the body

So while you are occupied with the body you can be occupied with love, for the body will always point towards something beyond the body. It will always lead to the emotions and the emotions will lead to the mental and the mental will always lead to the soul, to other powers that are present in order to take you to another level.

In this you can see that life is a sequence of energies that keeps moving on and on and that it takes the individual further towards another pole in order to integrate these on a lower level.

This is what man must try to achieve. When he is physically present with others he should try to see a love that brings things together from the further pole, from that profound depth within himself. If he is able to do this he will gradually become aware of what real love is.

When you are physically present with others you should try to see a love that brings things together from the further pole, from that profound depth within yourself.

Keep going further

Because people often remain within one level, the physical for example, they cannot really realize what love is since the polarity is missing.

Therefore when people want to be in each other’s company only on a physical level, they are missing something, they lack true love. What they have is but a shadow of love, only one aspect, that does indeed speak of love but which cries out for other things.

You will discover that in order to find solutions within a certain level you will always have to count on failures. That is why people who want to understand what love is keep going further and further. This is its purpose."

Master Morya

Master Morya

Geert Crevits ©
Source: “Morya Wisdom 1: A deeper sense of life”
from chapter 10: 'More about love'

Morya Wisdom 1: A deeper sense of life