April 2016

Mayil eNieuws

Dearest eNews readers,

Inner joy, isn't that what we all want? If we like what we do and the way in which we do it then joy will always come to us. It stirs gently in our hearts and our task is then not to chase it away again with melancholic or negative thought patterns... The Divine Mother can help us here - if we hand over all our worries and fears to Her then we can be as free and joyous as a well-cared for child. eRegards from Marie


Meditation for the full moon of 22nd April 2016

Master Morya, 

"It is a worthwhile effort to strive towards having an inwardly-focused evolution of your life, towards a real contact with your soul. This is so important, because when you live with the soul you live with joy. Living on Earth like this is a delight and is the quality of life itself. This connection with your soul, with the deepest within you, will make that you will act in the right way. It will allow you to meet the right people and receive the correct guidance. 


You'll certainly notice the change in yourself, and this goes for all levels. Pay attention to everything that changes: tastes, smells, colours, forms.... it all has to do with the soul, because the soul is now taking the lead. 

You will feel attracted to certain things, to certain books, to certain trends, to certain people and feel a dislike towards other people or things. You will have a much clearer discernment; you’ll know better what it is you want: ‘this and not that’.  This is so important, learning to make the distinction between people you do or don’t want to spend your time with.  

This is a phase during which you will need to have patience with yourself because you can’t just change everything in your life all at once. As you begin to more clearly observe the reality and people around you, the first thing you will need is to have a great deal of patience. Not condemning, not judging by saying: “Absolutely not this.”  No, surely you can choose, you can make a careful choice and open yourself from within, but you shouldn’t want to shove everyone out of your life. 

On the contrary, you’ll be able to look at them anew, from another perspective, and be able to realize that those whom you don’t especially like and don’t fit in your life are yet meaningful, also in your life, and that it’s okay for them to be there.  In that way you recognize their worth and can also love them.  But you don’t have to enclose them in your life, you shouldn’t think: ‘they belong with me’. No, then you will be able to approach them more freely, allow them more freedom and you also won’t begrudge them their freedom. 

And even though they may be radically opposed to you, you won’t mind and you will even wish them well, because you’ll realize that everyone has the right to have and express their own ideas. Once you reach the soul you enter into freedom, you know more and are conscious of more because you have a broader view."

Meester Morya

Master Morya

© Morya.org, Geert Crevits - Bron:
Extracts from Morya Wisdom book 8: "In het centrum van je leven staan" (Living in the Center of your Life), 
chapter 9: “About freedom and light”

Morya Wijsheid 8
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