June 2016

Mayil eNieuws

Dearest eNews readers,

I look at my grandson and see the calm clear look in his eyes. He’s still a toddler and has no words yet. He’s watching the man queuing next to us at the supermarket checkouts, his gaze going up and down; he’s motionless and when the man walks away, he keeps gazing for another half minute, watching that now empty space. Then he turns his little head to me and smiles. A moment of eternity in the midst of the commotion of life. I take the little one on my arm and, as we keep moving along in the queue, I’m wondering if I can take that calmness home with me..... eRegards from Lydia

Meditation for the full moon of 20th June 2016

Master Morya, 

"The force is present, this is something I always say, and it means that you don’t need to step outside your life to go to some other time, to some other place, in order to attain this love. It is present here in your life right now, and so there is no need for you to long to be at some other point in your life.  It is, however, necessary to acquire a calmness, and it’s very important that you understand this. 

If you are searching for peace, then do it consciously, and realize what it means to learn to see things in a quiet and calm way, without worrying about little things. Because the world is full of so many little things, and you can be so preoccupied with them that you keep orientating yourself in such a way that you say: “And now, first I have to do this and then that and then that...” And in this way your head is full of twenty or thirty things you should be doing, but the one essential thing, the peace, the silence, is not even on your list and you never get around to it. 

Become like a flower that opens its heart for the sun, and realize that this is really the essential thing to learn on this Earth. Open your heart for God and abide in that silence, with a waiting attitude, knowing that you will then be filled with love. From here you can achieve great things, for your heart is opening itself for new realities."

Meester Morya

Master Morya

© Mayil.com, Geert Crevits - Source:
“Morya Kracht 4 : De stap naar oneindigheid” (The step towards infinity)
beginning of chapter 10, 'The mystery of love'

Morya Kracht 4 : De stap naar oneindigheid
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