April 2017

Mayil eNieuws

Dearest eNews readers,

Beautiful and ugly, good and bad, you cannot always distinguish the difference anymore these days; one says this, the other says that, and a third person still says something else... and then what, who is right?

Master Morya says that it is important to assume that God is good, that He/She is in your life, that you are good, and that all things in your life have a purpose. So don’t be intimidated, your life can become good and be good, and, despite all the worldly problems and difficulties, you can nevertheless find a way to be happy. To be able to do that you have to allow the Divine to have a place in your heart, in your life, and to guide you. Let your heart guide you, don’t let yourself be prevailed upon by the supposed authority of others. Discover your own wisdom and dare to believe in it, and know: this wisdom can grow and change, because every day is a new day and tomorrow’s truth is broader than today’s, which is the joy of change and growth. eRegards from Marie

Meditation for the full moon of 11th April 2017 

Master Morya,

"... this is something you should dare to do: to every now and then consciously introduce this time of reflection into your life; to, for a short while every day, consciously go within. Not in order to be busy with problems the whole time - although perhaps at first yes, until you come to that place of silence and joy, until you know: ‘I don’t need to think anymore about the events of today; I just stay here with myself, I stay here with the life I have received, I simply stay in the energy of being, I allow myself to purely be and set my sights on that inner smile, on there where I, myself, am Buddha, there where I am upraised above the world, there where I have learned to stand in the light. And I can do this; it’s not a difficult exercise but an important exercise. It is hidden within me like a treasure; it lays waiting for me like a treasure, until I feel that I can smile from within, until, from within, I learn to accept, to know the radiant reality, until I find my own strength, the power of my being. So that I no longer need to give myself homework but have learned the lesson and know: it is not a waiting for something else, it is a being - which is a big difference.  And I can wait for the others - for my parents, for people, for others, for a child, for whomever or whatever it may be, but it’s not a necessity. Everything is present here in my being, also the beautiful things which can become obvious and yet always surprising and new and that bring the right people on my path, the right children in my life, the right opportunities to make friends with people.’ 

Be honest with yourself; be happy with what you can do. Never do too much; look at the world and see as good what is good for you. And when there are things which are difficult, look at them too, but don’t identify with those difficulties. You don’t need to bear all the world’s suffering as if it were your own, there is no sense in that. But, with your heart, you can come close to each person. Not to carry everything they are carrying but to become one on a higher level. There where God is present in our lives, there where the deepness speaks, we can do things for one another which are unique and which have a very, very great meaning, for you personally and for the world."

Meester Morya

Master Morya

© Morya.org, Geert Crevits - Source:
Excerpt from Morya Course 42 (December 2011 - January 2012), the very last ‘book’ that was ever made through cooperation of Geert and Master Morya.

Meester Morya (Morya.org)
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