November 2018

Mayil eNieuws

Dearest eNews readers,

Interview with GeertEarlier this year an online archive turned up on youtube featuring a unique interview with Geert, filmed in 1999 and broadcast on TV. In it my father is talking in a relaxed and humoristic way about his life and how the contact with Master Morya first came about, what it means to him and how the giving of personal messages developed. More than 30 fascinating minutes for those who knew Geert, as well as for those who didn't, about people and their problems, about the world and its wars. At the end there is also a short bit of the interviewers' own personal message with some specific advice and insights which, as was so characteristic for Geert, is delivered fluently and at a very impressive pace.  

symbool van Meester Morya

Besides this video, there is more happy news! At the end of the eighties Master Morya gave a very particular symbol to Geert and Lydia, which he often drew with Geert's hand. It's a combination of a heart, cross, umbrella and fountain. 

About this symbol, MM said: "At some time you could have this sign of the heart that I always draw at the end of our late night lessons made into a piece of jewelry, as a way of carrying the presence of My energy with you."

Juweel LydiaBack then, my father asked an old jeweler from Gent to make a pendant with this symbol, which he then gave to my mother. Since then she has worn it almost all the time. Sometimes Master Morya would recommend she especially wear it while on a trip or at other times when she could use some extra support or protection.

Master Morya also once said: "Some day many people will wear this". And now, 30 years later, it seems that time has finally come...! Whoever wants, can order a handmade silver pendant directly from us. According to Master Morya, to carry this sign is symbolic of contact and cooperation with the Light and the Masters (also called 'the Hierarchy'), and whether to do so or not is something each of us can decide for themselves. More about this in the meditation text and also on

Take your time to have a look at everything and enjoy!
eRegards from Marie

Video: interview with Geert

Meditation for the full moon of 23rd November 2018

Master Morya,

"This immensely great thing happening within the person is always the tenderness that comes to him and the possibility of leaving behind old fossilized thoughts, allowing new living thoughts to sink in and daring to live with these new thoughts.

The old should not retain any great importance. You can let the old things go. Whatever happened, whatever was said, just let it go. Keep only those things that have brought you to the love and to the great force of the Divine. Dare to see this in your life and dare to live with it.

You will really need courage for this because it is something that will only gradually become clear as you go along. Once you begin with it you absolutely cannot estimate what it will mean for you in your life. It’s like a tiny seed – like is written in the gospel – a mustard seed, the smallest seed of all, that grows to become the biggest tree.

The Kingdom of God is like this; the contact with the Hierarchy is like this. At first a person hesitates, thinking: ‘Is this really true, is this real and can I trust in it?’ But in the course of his life, of the months and years that follow, he will receive an ever-greater clarity for himself. This is the wonder then that happens, that his heart warms at the thought that all this is really true and that he can trust in it, can find support in it and can take it into account. In this way his life becomes a different life."

Meester Morya

Master Morya

©, Geert Crevits - Source:
Morya Wisdom 3: God lives in your heart
excerpt from chapter 6: 'Living together with the Masters'

Morya Wijsheid 3: God woont in je hart
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