March 2019

Mayil eNieuws

Dearest eNews readers,

Master Morya is to me like an elder brother, gentle and accessible, businesslike and strict if necessary, always loving, sometimes a bit dry when it comes to humour and always close by or just around the corner.  

My life with Master Morya is something that has grown over the years. When I was very young my heart went out mainly to my living guru in India, whom I often visited and from whom I learnt enormously much. There I experienced that a man like Jesus can really exist, that miracles actually happen, that God can truly live on this Earth and that the Divine, in all its love, can be something entirely different from what you might think. 

But over the years, Master Morya came imperceptibly ever closer. At first I saw Him primarily as "my boss". He was the one - via my father - with whom I worked for the publishing house, the one with whom I prepared the books and in whose invisible company I spent many an hour rereading or making layouts of His texts.  

Over the years, as Master Morya came closer and closer, instead of a boss He become more like a dear brother, a best friend, a warm refuge and a solid tower of strength. 

I can no longer imagine my life without Master Morya, not because I couldn't do without Him, but because it is such a joy. And so, in this month's full-moon text, when He says that He is always there, I can only agree that it is indeed so.  

Master Morya doesn't give any religious guidelines, He doesn't preach dogmas or create structures of a religious nature. He just states that God exists and offers to help each of us discover this for ourselves. Love sets free and that is what He does for us.  That is what we are all on our way to becoming - people who are free and independent, loving and happy. eRegards from Marie

Meester Morya copyright

Meditation for the full moon of 21st March 2019

Master Morya,

"Wherever your paths may lead you, if you want I will be with you. That is the inner strength of our being. In your soul you can be one... one with the Masters, with Avatars, with God, with great saints, with others. Within your being you can assimilate everything that is important. You are never alone. If you want I will be with you, in your heart, always. If you want you can experience this guidance, this inspiration, this gentle love that is Mine.  

Because I know I am able to be there for people, for you, I am always happy, for I live within the joy of the Divine and I want you to also live within this joy. And every now and then, if inwardly you come to Me, either in dreams or in meditation or in your desires - if you want Me to come to you - then I will be there. Not always so markedly that you might think: 'yes, now I see Him', but so that you know, that you feel: 'it cannot but be that He is here.'  Because when you think of My name, I will be there. 

When within your heart you breathe My name, I will be there. When you know: 'I asked that He be there', then you can assume that I am there. We can live from out of this unity, and it is important for you to be aware of this, to know that we can go forward together and that inwardly you can learn the way that leads to that joy, to that light, to that knowing. If in your heart you open yourself to Me, or to an Avatar, to a Master, to a great saint, to God, then you will receive inspiration from that energy, from that light, and gradually you will have a different life.  

For the way to God is not traversed all of a sudden, you cannot travel the entire path in just an instant. This is due to the fact that we are indeed anchored to this Earth and have to do things fundamentally. We must, therefore, learn to know the foundation of life, of our own life. And you can do this by becoming aware of your boundaries in daily life, by becoming aware of your impossibilities in order to transform them into possibilities, to gradually extend, as it were, your boundaries, to overcome your anger, your despair, your sorrow, to inwardly know what this means, to gradually enkindle light in your heart, to gradually become fiery, enthusiastic about the goods things in life, to not let yourself be done in by what others say but to indeed advance and grow towards perfection, oneness, beauty, truth. 

You can do this."

Meester Morya

Master Morya

©, Geert Crevits - Source:
Excerpt from one of the Dutch audio-cd’s entitled “The joy to be together” 
If you like, you can listen to the original text in Geert’s voice here:


Morya luister-cd: De vreugde van het samenzijn
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