June 2019

Mayil eNieuws

Dearest eNews readers,

Most children have a rich imagination but as the years go by this is expected to diminish. One of my grandmother's sayings was, "Dreaming doesn't hurt" and I took this quite literally to be something one could safely put into practice. Looking back at my 68 years I can perhaps see this as a common thread running through my life.

What is the common thread in your life that has brought you the most beautiful things? What was predictably unpredictable? Do you dare to believe in dreams that create happiness and beauty? Do you dare to long for the infinite, the highest, the most beautiful, as the workbook suggests in the meditation exercise below?

Awaken your wild dreams!  eNews-regards from Lydia

Meditation for the full moon of 18th May 2019

Master Morya,

"Your longing must not diminish - no - your longing must grow and keep growing, until it becomes boundless. You should be less and less content with your life as you become more and more aware of what it could be. If you think that life could be more beautiful and you make peace with this discontent - which is the contradiction that I am deliberately inserting here - then you are doing well."

Master Morya


Meditation exercise:
Close your eyes. Think for a moment  about your life as it is now and then think about how you would like it to be, about the changes you would like to see. Look at the discontent you feel about your current situation and your life. 

Perhaps there are even more things you could long for to make your life more beautiful? Can you wish for more?
Do you long for the infinite? The highest, the most beautiful? 

Afterwards, consciously make peace with your discontent. 

Accept its being there and even be happy that it is. 

Repeat this exercise over the next few days.

© Mayil.com, Geert Crevits - Source:
Exercise from the "Morya Wijsheid Basiswerkboek" 
(Morya Wisdom First Workbook) 
Point 8: "At peace with discontent"

Original text from "Morya Wisdom 1:  A deeper sense of life", chapter 2

Morya Wisdom 1:  A deeper sense of life
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