August 2019

Mayil eNieuws

Dearest eNews readers,

This month our newsletter is extra light and airy, well suited to the summer and vacation atmosphere. We wish you all many delightful moments! eRegards from Lydia and Marie

Meditation for the full moon of 15th August 2019

Master Morya,

"The reality of this Earth actually longs for relaxation.  The peace that should be able to take form on this Earth is due in part to the sense of relaxation that people have.  If you are constantly busy then take a break.  Respect the rhythm of nature, also in your life.  When there is a period of hard work and constant activity in sight, then make sure that there will also be a period of rest and peace.  Do not be jealous of people who go on vacation.  Dare to also make room in your own life for things that are relaxing.  How you arrange your vacation may be totally different from how others do this, and this is okay.  

It is important to dare to believe in your own leisure and in your own way in which to relax.  There are people who go away on vacation and return stressed; there are people who stay at home and enjoy wonderful moments and have a real vacation, and vice-versa.  Because whether you are here or there does not guarantee that you will be able to really relax.  It all depends on your attitude and the way in which you look at things. 

For example, if you were planning to go away and suddenly something happens that you can’t, then there is no need to panic and think: ‘Oh, how awful, all my plans shattered!’  No, try to make peace with the situation and perhaps find another solution for yourself. 

Look to see what truly relaxes you in life.  Look to see what is really important to you.  If, for instance, you can do some other little work, one that should have been done long ago, and if you manage to concentrate yourself on this, without making yourself nervous, then this can be very satisfying. 
Any change in life can bring relaxation."

Meester Morya

Master Morya

©, Geert Crevits - Source:
“Morya Kracht 2: Sleutel tot de Nieuwe Tijd” (Key to the New Era) 
Excerpt from chapter 13: 'Making less detours’

Morya Kracht 2: Sleutel tot de Nieuwe Tijd
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