"At home in your own life"
in Geel, Belgium

Lecture by Marie Crevits about the subject "Being at home in your own life", given in the city of Geel (Belgium) on 11th June 2017.

The lecture consists of 8 videos; each video has English subtitles.

In this lecture:


Lecture in Geel, part 1:
Intuition requires a reason and openness

In this video: As a first step, try to create some distance between you and the other. By calmly examining your problems with your mind and then letting go, you allow your intuition to work. At the same time, we must also have the openness to WANT to be helped.


Lecture in Geel, part 2:
An anchor within yourself

In this video: When you find and nurture the silence within yourself, it becomes like a lotus around your heart, a kind of buffer that protects you. To really meditate, you must first try to make peace with the Earth and with your life. When you no longer assume that others are like you, you feel freer and can also avoid misunderstandings.


Lecture in Geel, part 3:
There is a tremendous power at work in you

In this video: Intuition is not only a source of information but also of recovery and recharging. In the peace of your heart problems no longer weigh on you. You connect with others from your heart, not with your thinking or feeling. Joy helps you make the right choice.


Lecture in Geel, part 4:
Do I follow my intuition, or rather not?

In this video: Intuition is a flash of insight, but afterwards you still have to give this insight form in your life, and that is not easy because intuition always brings something new. This is the struggle: do I follow my intuition, or do I choose the other path?


Lecture in Geel, part 5:
Simply being present with what you're doing

In this video: A reply to a question from the audience: "we can get intuitions when we meditate but how can we do that when we are busy with daily worries?" Try to physically come to rest while you are busy, be fully present in what you do, let your body relax by bringing variation to your work, and always remain (slightly) concentrated, then you will make room within yourself for that inspiration. Things you do routinely are perfect occasions to do this.


Lecture in Geel, part 6:
Life calls for a leap of faith

In this video: Answer to a question from the audience. Life asks us to believe in goodness. There are no secrets for God. For humans there are, because you first need the right values and wisdom before you can use the knowledge and power of God. Life keeps pushing us in the direction of enrichment and expansion. The mind wants to know everything in advance, but if you were to live in this way only from your mind, you would not be open to experiencing things.


Lecture in Geel, part 7:
EXERCISE: Dealing with overwhelming experiences from the past

In this video: a meditation exercise to clean up your inner life and make your life simpler. Master Morya explains: when there are things in your life you feel you cannot accept they will linger around and confuse you. But if you allow them to be in your life and let them choose a place around you, they transform into a point of light and become a question patiently waiting for an answer (“Why did I have to experience this?”)

Also read the full moon letter with the corresponding text by Master Morya (February 2017)


Lecture in Geel, part 8:
True spirituality is joy

End of the lecture in Geel by Marie Crevits (11 June 2017) on the book "Morya Kracht 6: At home in your own life".

In this video: a call to really do something with what you read in the books of Master Morya.