Question & answer

Six questions around war

About war

Which side should we choose?

translated from “The changing world” (Morya Bezinning 6)
(Geert Crevits) ©

(…) There are things happening on this earth that are clarifying the relations between peoples. You could, of course, choose on which side you wish to stand; yet this you should never do. This is the difficulty. Realize that peoples, nations, consist of elements, of people, of individuals. Realize, too, that there is a kind of inner duty to look upon one another as individual human beings, whoever the person is and to whatever race, nation or religion he or she belongs.

there is a kind of inner duty to look upon one another as individual human beings

It is very difficult to have the right attitude towards your fellow men and women. This is something you can only do with your heart and not so much with your thoughts.

When you notice that people are judging others, don’t join in. Don’t take sides; don’t shut anyone out just because they happen to belong to a certain nation race.

You could, of course, choose on which side you wish to stand; yet this you should never do. Realize that peoples, nations, consist of elements, of people, of individuals. Don’t shut anyone out just because they happen to belong to a certain nation race


You’ll see that it doesn’t take long for sympathies to switch from here to there, from the one nation race to the other. There will always be changes in leaders as well as in circumstances, in possibilities and impossibilities.... In short, there are certain matters that will take place in rapid succession and that could sow division amongst people, even in Europe, setting the one person up against the other.

Don’t go along with this. Be firmly convinced that there is a close connection between your heart and the hearts of others but don’t say: this is how it is, because, after all, you don’t know the full facts of the matter. And even if others declare: this is how it is, know that you should stay calm. You will see that very many changes will take place in pronouncements, in people, in preferences, in determining injury, in certain visions that are expressed.....

Ga daar niet in mee. Wees overtuigd dat er een nauwe betrokkenheid is tussen jouw hart en de harten van andere mensen, maar zeg niet: zo is het. Want de ware toedracht van bepaalde zaken weet je tenslotte niet. En zelfs als anderen zeggen: zo zit het, dan moet je weten dat je daar een zekere rust tegenover moet hebben. Je zal zien dat er heel veel wisselingen komen in uitspraken, in mensen, in voorkeuren, in bepalen van schade, in bepaalde visies die men uitdrukt…

Don’t say: this is how it is, because, after all, you don’t know the full facts of the matter

Pray for the one as well as for the other

Even here, in this country, people may become divided because of some statements made by important politicians or by people held in high respect, statements about which people will later realize: actually, this should not have been said.

If you go along with such things you could be led into disunity and this is totally unnecessary. Realize that you are a good person and that there are good people on all sides. It’s very important, therefore, that you retain a sensitivity for the human being and for human problems, for human dramas too, and that you can pray for the one as well as for the other; to pray that they will be able to finally try to find just solutions to everything.

There are good people on all sides

Certainly, many beautiful things are happening on this earth and very many people will realize that the idea they have about people really needs to be put into perspective, that there is always a kind of choice to be made but that sometimes this is simply not possible because one should be able to see the humanity of it, the human side of the dramas.

Some very harsh statements

There are quite many beautiful things. Inwardly, a number of things will become clear to people, who will, as it were, be able to look beyond the problems. At least some people will do this. Some will not be able to, which is why certain media statements can sometimes be very harsh and, even though you may not be able to refute them, you will be able to see through them.

More and more people will be able to understand the problems of their fellow human beings and people from different countries will get together and be able to support one another.

Intermingling of peoples

Whatever happens, a certain intermingling of peoples will take place, like a kind of puzzle that is being taken apart in order to be put back together again later, but in another way. So much is happening in the world. I’m talking about this because it is happening close to home, here in Europe, and because there are a number of things connected to this that could be brought into question in your own personal life.

A great clarity can come within you when, in whatever way, you choose to be for and not against people and when you choose to alleviate their sufferings.

After a while, relief will certainly come for people, for the one nation race as well as for the other and – I repeat – there will be many changes in governing powers and in those who bear the responsibility for certain peoples.

Choose to be for and not against people

Superficially seen catastrophic

People may have inner conflicts but the possibility is there that this will be carefully addressed and that people will indeed learn to look at certain problems more deeply. There may be fear amongst certain peoples but within a short time this fear will be alleviated and joy will come in its place, for the one as well as for the other. There is much going on upon this earth and there are deep forces at work.

A deep wound has been inflicted. Superficially seen, there are a number of catastrophic events but in the deepness great realities are at play. There is a force of light active upon this earth and people will certainly be able to come to agreements concerning certain existing problems. But, if at all possible, keep your distance, stay objective in your thoughts and certainly in your heart. You should be able to have a feeling of affection for the other, whoever he or she may be, and to view everything you see and hear in a sober, sensible manner.

Try to view everything you see and hear in a sober, sensible manner


Great clarity will come to your heart because you’ll be able to learn from everything and people’s involvement with one another is certainly a very deep force. This means: People are able to feel solidarity with one another and bring solace to the suffering of others. If you can’t do this in a material way then do it in a caring way or in a spiritual way.

The latter means praying for people and this is very important because in this way lines of light are set in place that have a protective effect for people, however distant from you they may be. Although they may live far away from you, it’s important to give these people your attention from time to time by beseeching the Divine Mother and pleading for Her help. Wonderful things are happening on earth and there is a tremendous solidarity between people.”

Pray for people, in this way lines of light are set in place that have a protective effect for people, however distant from you they may be

Master Morya

Master Morya

Geert Crevits ©
Translated excerpt from the book “Morya Bezinning 6” (The changing world) from chapter 3: ‘A universal approach to the alleviation of suffering’

Morya Bezinning 6: De wereld in verandering

About war

Why does war always fail?

from “Morya Wisdom 1: A deeper sense of life”
(Geert Crevits) ©

Love that is not experienced within the inner self, in the depths of man, is not real love. Love always goes through the heart, which is the unifying power of the various opposites in man. For seen from this world, from these worlds, there is very much in man that is always in contrast.

Only love can reconcile these opposites as it has all these opposites within itself. (...)

The spiral of violence

Evil grasps at what is around itself to gain stability but fails to find it in the fragments that it has collected. And then what always happens is that evil attempts to find a solution to the core of existence within its own level, and this is an impossibility. That is why it fails time and time again.

You can see that the evil in the world will keep stringing one failure to another. Thus you can see wars where man continually fails, where he eliminates the other, where his feelings, his drive, purpose, and the very core of his being is injured. There is so much failure – one big failure – because man tries to find a solution on the earthly level.

Evil tries to find a solution on the earthly level but this is an impossibility

Because man has within him something that yearns to find a solution, he will keep going on in this way. So once he begins searching for a certain solution in his life on a certain level, he will continue doing so until he has exhausted all possibilities within that level. That is why a war is always dangerous, for, in order to find a solution, it continues to engage more and more elements within this level, but does not search deeper. So you see that violence works like a spiral, always engaging other powers in order to find a solution on this same level.

A war is always dangerous, for, in order to find a solution, people continue to engage more and more elements within this level

You can see this in your own life, that when you quarrel you will try to involve other people, who in turn ally themselves to one side or the other, preferably your own, in order to take a stand and become more powerful on this level against the other. This is the spiral of violence.

The solution that love offers is an entirely different one; the polarities melt and fuse together on a totally different level.

Love always offers solutions

In love there is a respect for every level. You continue seeing the material as material, wherein you may experience tension and one pole, while at the same time, in love, you have another pole which brings in another tension, which then offers a solution. For love always offers solutions. However difficult life may be, love will bring the solution. Love will not say, “This tension must go.” No, on the contrary, love will say, “I can go on with this tension.”

Love will not say, “This tension must go.”

This is how you should look upon it in your own life. If there are tensions in your life then you mustn’t get rid of them. Instead, introduce a new element that makes for a greater synthesis and creates a greater unity. Try to do this in a way that you find peace in yourself, by accepting both of the poles, by seeing them and living with them.

Durven leven met tegenstellingen

There is enormous power that emanates from people who can accept every human being. These people who hold these tensions within themselves have great love because they allow others to be themselves. This is a pole of tension.

When we look at another we may experience ten­sion. The other thinks differently, he dresses differently, he says and does and knows different things and these are all points of tension because we don’t dare to live in these opposites. Should we dare to live in them then we would see that this is quite feasible, not from the same level but from within a deeper one.

Therefore when within yourself there is a tension that has come to a unity, a rest and a peace because you have accepted the opposites, then you will see that you can also accept them in the external world. Then you can accept the greater opposites in the external world.”

The other thinks differently, he dresses differently, he says and does and knows different things and these are all points of tension

Should we dare to live in the opposites then we would see that this is quite feasible, not from the same level but from within a deeper one

Master Morya

Master Morya

Geert Crevits ©
Source: “Morya Wisdom 1: A deeper sense of life”
from chapter 10: ‘More about love’

Morya Wisdom 1: A deeper sense of life

About war

Why is such a mess being made of the earth?

from “Morya Wisdom 3: God lives in your heart”
(Geert Crevits) ©

There is discord here on this Earth. When you look at the Earth, there is nothing but conflict, conflict, conflict... One person says this; the other says something else. One person does something in one way and the other does it in another way. One person plants a tree and another cuts it down or tramples on it before it is fully grown. And in this way people are busy constructing and destroying.

Don’t fret about this, don’t let it make you unhappy. Realize that the Earth brings a continuous upheaval, that it is abundantly busy with all possible kinds of beings and that there comes no end to this world.

There is no such thing as a death in store for this Earth, in any case not from any perspective we could possibly have. Because the Earth is millions of years old and will still go on for millions of years.

You should be able to see the Earth as a stage where different décors are continuously being built. Where one décor, which will eventually take the place of another, is continuously being constructed and so causes the deconstruction of the other decor.

Don’t be saddened by the fact that the Earth is being messed about. This is something that causes people great emotional distress, but you should be able to take a distance from this fact. You should be able to see the Earth as a stage where different décors are continuously being built. Where one décor, which will eventually take the place of another, is continuously being constructed and so causes the deconstruction of the other decor. These are the wars. People have been restructuring things from out of a very great energy field, and so it keeps going on.

This Earth is engaged in a process of continual changes, which are terrible for those who are viewing this process from the Earth. But these changes are bringing an immense energy-revolution and, if you could look from the perspective of the energy fields, you would see this. You would see that precisely because of this, enormous renewals become possible.

Precisely because of this, enormous renewals become possible

The great goal of everything is love

The human being is an eternal being. A person, just like the Earth, is a whole that progresses and develops. And, if he so wishes, he can keep coming to this Earth in order to add a bit of experience to what he has already experienced.

The great goal of everything is love. There is nothing else than love in this universe wherein we are living. And we should be able to discover this love, because it is here. Love doesn’t need to be created..... no, love is here. It is the infinite source that always is, that flows, that restores, that builds and is recreating everything. And that is what we, as people, should be able to recognize; it would be very useful for us.

Love is the infinite source that always is, that flows, that restores, that builds and is recreating everything

The more of love you can see in your own heart and in the heart of your fellow men and women, the more of the reality of this Earth you can discover.

Many people are not able to see this. They can only see the stage play of destruction, of diffusion, of a development going its own way and having nothing to do with love. But like this they are not yet seeing the reality of this Earth. The reality of this Earth is totally different from what you learn to see with your eyes.”

Many people can only see the stage play of destruction, of diffusion, of a development going its own way and having nothing to do with love

Master Morya

Master Morya

Geert Crevits ©
Source: “Morya Wisdom 3: God lives in your heart”
from chapter 1: ‘A little life and a great life’

Morya Wisdom 3: God lives in your heart

About war

And what about those who perish?

from “Morya Course - Joy of life n° 7”
(Geert Crevits) ©

A new earth must come into being, a new world, new people who, from out of that deep power, develop and blossom, who find it good to do things from the goodness of their hearts, who open themselves to the wonder of life and who, in that deep power, come to know themselves in a unique way in order to be there for one another, for others, for the world. (...)

Know that life is protected and that people who must go, will go. But that does not mean that their lives are not protected.

It isn't because a young person dies in a war that their life is not protected, that they are not taken care of on the other side of death and that, even after their death, there cannot be very beautiful moments in their life when they are brought into contact with the survivors, with those who are on this side.”

Every life is protected

Master Morya

Master Morya

Geert Crevits ©
Source: translated excerpt from “Morya Course - Joy of life n° 7” (as yet unpublished book)

Master Morya

About war

Does it help to pray for people in war? And how should I do this?

from “Morya Kracht 7" (Becoming open to reality)
(Geert Crevits) ©

There are situations on the Earth which are so frightening that you should try to pray for them, that you should try to bring light to those situations from a distance.

Each prayer is a force, each contact with God is a force. Each cause has an effect. When you are busy with God it has a good effect. It means you are bringing light into this world, but it is something you should try to do with your heart. You should be able to be open for the Divine, with the sense that you want and can do something for someone else. You will also be supported by others in this and you can also be in touch with others on this level. (…)

Try to pray with your heart, try to be open for the Divine, with the sense that you want and can do something for someone else

There are very many moments on this Earth when a very beautiful struggle takes place. There are very many moments on this Earth when you can also see this and love this. This means you are then opening yourself for these force fields that need to be allayed.

There are very many moments on this Earth when a very beautiful struggle takes place

People who can instil peace

When you pray for people in a war you are bringing a peace there. When you stand up for people who are in need you bring a peace to their lives. It is a very important fact on this Earth that there are people who can bring this peace to the very great life, not only to their own lives but also to the very great life.

So try to instil peace within your own life, but also – if you can and if you want – in the very great life. And you can do this because you are powerful and because you have discovered what it is to work on different areas at the same time, with different points of focus in yourself. You should be able to be centred in your feelings, in your thinking, and you should be able to instil calmness there.

And you should be able to be active in regard to this Earth, not to solve its problems but to instil peace, in your own way.”

When you pray for people in a war you are bringing a peace there

Master Morya

Master Morya

Geert Crevits ©
Translated from the book “Morya Kracht 7" (Becoming open to reality)
from chapter 5: ‘The Earth has its own intentions’

Kracht 7: Open komen voor de werkelijkheid

About war

All these wars, should they really concern me?

from “Morya Course - Life deepening n° 15”
(Geert Crevits) ©

When a person has wonderment for the phenomena of this earth - for, if you look at this earth, you will see a lot of disruption, upheavals, as well as a lot of sensible reactions from people learning to understand it all and learning to integrate it into their own lives.....because there is this too.....

For instance, when you look at war situations, you should know that there is always a lot more going on than what is written in the newspapers. And, intuitively, you can also sense what is really going on. So, there are certain rearrangements, certain possibilities that peoples are searching to find for themselves and a certain renewal emerging from that or being brought forward. And it also always means that then new contacts will be able to be made from those peoples to the world.

There is always a lot more going on than what is written in the newspapers. Intuitively, you can sense what is really going on

It's precisely when something like a war happens that, for example, an assembly forms around that happening, forces that organize around that, and there is an attention, a kind of attention that goes to these peoples who are living in tension and renewing themselves.

When something like a war happens, there is a kind of attention that goes to these peoples who are renewing themselves

You can engage yourself in it or not

It is obviously possible to come to a kind of decision about this for yourself, such as "I'll concern myself with that" or "I'm not going to concern myself with that." And you can do both. Therefore, if there are certain difficulties on this earth, you can either engage yourself in those difficulties or not, because it may well be that doing so could interfere with your own evolution or that it could contribute something to it.

It is precisely because you have an affinity with some peoples and not with others, that you should not be concerned with everything — not with every war, not with every point of tension, not with everything happening on this earth — but you should feel for yourself whether it is something for you or whether it is not something for you.

You should not be concerned with every war

So, there are affinities on this earth that will increasingly express themselves and express themselves more and more consciously. And this means certain people are engaged in one thing and other people are totally engaged in something else.

Hence, certain energies are arranging themselves and going from one group to another, while not touching still others. And this must be possible, because otherwise there would be confusion in that as well.

So you can never determine with what another should be involved, nor should it be that every country is involved with all the other countries. But it should be that certain emphases can be placed and certain relationships can be clearly brought to the fore that are within a certain country and are not within another country. Therefore, one should be able to recognize this and one will then also be indirectly related to each other, because there are also many parallels to be discovered between certain peoples and between other peoples not at all.

You can never determine with what another should be involved

This is why a person should be careful in their judgement of these matters and should be able to follow their intuition.

Master Morya

Master Morya

Geert Crevits ©
Source: translated excerpt from “Morya Course - Life deepening n° 15” (as yet unpublished book)

Morya Wijsheid 3: God woont in je hart