Below you will find plenty of useful advice from Master Morya about how a Morya group works in practice and what you should take into account. These are all fragments taken from various books. If you are organizing a group, we definitely recommend that you read it all, but, also as a participant, you can learn a lot from it. It can also be nice to discuss parts of it as a group every now and then.
“A following step in the evolution of the self is to have confidence in others. But sincere confidence, so that you aren't alone, that you don't evolve on your own. You should be able to gain confidence in humankind, in the other person, but not at the cost of yourself. Observe people carefully, know who they are, know how they live.
Look for people with whom you can talk and exchange ideas, so that you might evolve more quickly.
You should be able to trust whoever is worthy of your confidence. This is very important. You shouldn't want to stand alone in life, you should look for people whom you can trust and with whom you can talk and exchange ideas, so that you might evolve more quickly. Going down the path on your own will take more time.”
Geert Crevits - Extract from Morya Wisdom book 5: "Het woord in de stilte" (Words in the silence), chapter 7
“You should have people, friends, with whom you can talk about profound things, about essential things, and most of all, and this is very important, people with whom you can meditate.
When you do this with two, three, or four people - it doesn't have to be more than that - then you can ask for My presence, ask that I come to you. You should explicitly ask for this. Whenever you do this, you will be guided in the meditation. Then even if nothing special happens, you will still know you are being guided.
You should have people, friends, with whom you can talk about profound things, about essential things, and most of all: people with whom you can meditate.
Don't do this only once, but try to make a habit of it at certain, fixed times. Try to put some kind of rhythm into it. This means meeting regularly, at the same place, preferably one specific place that you sanctify by meditation and the Presence. Try not to change the meeting places too often. Try to meet at regular times and out of this something essential will evolve."
Geert Crevits - Extract from Morya Wisdom book 5: "Het woord in de stilte" (Words in the silence), chapter 7
“ You will notice yourself evolving significantly through the years. But you must have faith in it. This means staying sensible, remaining objective, organizing the practical side of it and participating with the confidence that you can reach one another and share things with one another.
When you meditate together, even though you have your own individual experiences, you should still be able to share and dare to talk about these experiences with a few people.
We are now in the New Age and the inner Self must come to the forefront. That means you try to find the words to express and share the things that are in your heart with people whom you can trust.
Therefore it's very important to come together for prayer and meditation with people you trust.
Don't enlarge your group to the point that you accept just anyone. Gather together, in a silent and simple way, with a few friends who fully trust each other. Even if you are only two or three, that is better than with a group of ten, that might include a few people whom you might not fully trust.
You should go about it slowly and sensibly. It's important that you resolve to do this. I repeat this again, because otherwise nothing will change, and you should be able to change your life, also in this, so that as you look for people you can get the feeling of whom to choose and whom not.
If it doesn't work out, dare to leave the group and start again with other people.
You have to dare to choose and if it doesn't work out, then you have to dare to leave the group and start again with other people.
It's a matter of experience, a matter of creating groups and of evolving."
Geert Crevits - Extract from Morya Wisdom book 5: "Het woord in de stilte" (Words in the silence), chapter 7
“ It should be possible for you to take up certain things and then later stop with them. You don't have to force yourself to do anything. It's an experience you have to be able to try out for yourself. If you do it, you'll be able to progress and then you'll encounter other groups that will again bring you something new.
Don't force yourself to do anything. It's an experience you try out for yourself.
You shouldn't force yourself to stay loyal to certain people until the end. No, you should always dare to make choices, to build something up and tear it down.
Your criterion should be whatever you think is good for you. These outward groups are not crucially important. They can have great significance - for yourself and others - but you should have the confidence to do those things important to you. This is essential. You should always see yourself as being the deciding factor in this, also as concerns the groups that you join on the spiritual path.
These meetings can be very meaningful and can develop. You don't have to commercialise it, you shouldn't ask money for these meditation meetings. You should do it on a free basis and in a simple, honest way.
Don't commercialise it, don't ask money for these meditation meetings. You should do it on a free basis and in a simple, honest way.
Whether you do this together with only a few people or whether you do it within new groups you happen to encounter, always be happy with whatever you experience there.
Even if it goes wrong, you should still be able to be happy about it, because then you should be able to offer this on High. You should be able to offer these splinters that are sometimes between people. You should be able to ask for advice, to pray for it.
When you leave the group, don't be sad, but just keep going your own way. Don't be disappointed in people, that isn't the intention. You should see that you are evolving and that society is also evolving, and understand that this is something of great importance. Try to see the whole picture and not the details."
Geert Crevits - Extract from Morya Wisdom book 5: "Het woord in de stilte" (Words in the silence), chapter 7
“ Don't meet to talk about trivial things. You aren't coming together for your personal development but with the idea of following the road leading to the soul and the Divine.
Wherever this is happening there can always be joy and it has great meaning. So when there is joy instead of haste and instead of hatred - and I mention these two things together because they are very much related - you may enter a phase of development, one that goes slowly and is profound, honest and beautiful.
You will then be able to find yourself more easily and it will be easier to have respect for others. Everything you meet on your way will teach you something, because also the groups meeting for prayer and meditation will evolve.
Don't meet to talk about trivial things.
You can start with something but you don't have to go on with it forever. Each time can be a different meditation and each time can be a new experience, and you don’t have to stick to certain schedules.
You should stay open to new things and always continue your search for the inner way. Also together. Feel free to gather together to talk about these things. It's very important that you can do this."
Geert Crevits - Extract from Morya Wisdom book 5: "Het woord in de stilte" (Words in the silence), chapter 7
“ As for the group, try to keep it local. It's doesn't make sense for people to be traveling from one end of the country to the other.
You should organize these meetings in your own town or village, in the area where you live, and make it easy, sensible and practical.
Have the confidence to take such an initiative and realize you need to make some effort for this, but not at your own cost. You don't have to take on the responsibility of dealing with troublemakers or people who don't show up. Then you can just take your leave and say, "Sorry, that 's not the way I see it, I'm stopping with it, I won't do this anymore." All this should be possible because it's something very real and meaningful.
When you stand face to face with yourself, take initiatives to do things, and do new things, then you will be guided, I've told you that. That means you can and may continuously change, and it means you will then find peace. For that is what happens.
If you accept the guidance, you will find yourself going from one thing to the other, but you will also discover the silence, the peace and the love that is in your heart, and you will always be able to evolve further with these things."
Geert Crevits - Extract from Morya Wisdom book 5: "Het woord in de stilte" (Words in the silence), chapter 7
“You should realize that there is a great design of expectation in relation to people of good will on this earth. When We are dealing with people, We can see the threads of love and the threads of light, and we can follow what is happening in the different groups and in the different people. And this is stimulated by the love that is being sent to you and by the light that is being sent to you.
Whenever you take steps in the direction of the light, then the light will come on your way.
For whenever you take steps in the direction of the light, then the light will come on your way, because it will be sent to you.
Then you will find yourself busily going from one thing to the other, meeting people and getting involved with good things. You will gain confidence in life and it will become ever more beautiful.
Understand that, no matter what you do, you will always meet with difficulties but they will seem lighter and you will go through them more easily. This is greatly significant."
Geert Crevits - Extract from Morya Wisdom book 5: "Het woord in de stilte" (Words in the silence), chapter 7
“These texts will make their way around the world and very many people will understand them. It will be fantastic to look into your own heart and to see which great forces can come to being there in the course of the following years, when you dare to live with these things as a prayer.
These texts will make their way around the world and very many people will understand them.
The power of the prayer is that you trust in the Divine, that you can see the Divine in His/Her many dimensions, diversity, and that you can be open to everything that has to do with God. The world of this Earth is infinite, but the world of the Divine is still much greater, and greater than you can imagine. The endlessness of it is always approaching closer to humankind.
You’ll come to understand that when you begin to meditate with a group, you can reach forces that are infinitely greater than what you could reach if you only get together to chat to one another.
When you meditate together many experiences can come to you that could have a very profound significance. In this way you can have certain experiences that give you an understanding of what a particular group could mean for the world.
If you want to come together you should have an idea of what it is you would like to achieve in life and then, in meditation, you should ask to be guided to what it is you want to realize.
You will not always receive what you want, but you will always be guided to things that are, in part, already familiar in your life and also partly new. What is new will lead you further to new experiences and in this manner you will find your own way with a group.
In meditation, ask to be guided to what it is you want to realize.
This implies a new kind of life, it means that you are really stepping into the Age of Aquarius and are beginning to live with new thoughts, with new energies. Then a new way of living will come about in yourself and in your relations towards others. Because once you set out from these new experiences you will find yourself being lead to still more experiences. People will be able to join in and in this way many groups will be established on this Earth.
Don’t think you should ever be frightened of the experiences you will have. Don’t think you have an obligation towards the angels, that you should therefore be able to do things that are almost impossible.
No, it’s most often a matter of dealing with everything in as normal a way as possible, but then really with everything. And this is something you have to learn, that you don’t cling to old ideas, but give them up, opening yourself for the experiences given you, and then that you think anew, reflect, perhaps talk these things over together and try to find your way in all these new things.
It’s most often a matter of dealing with everything in as normal a way as possible.
At this time there are many possibilities. Many things are coming to humankind and these things are being guided. Therefore it isn’t anything that happens normally or just appears from out of nowhere and isn’t coordinated, on the contrary. It is set in motion and very many people will be lead towards still broader, deeper experiences and from this a salve can be applied to the wounds of humankind.
If you understand this you’ll find that from your own heart you are almost forced to take part. But you shouldn’t try to convince anyone. You should never make an effort to drag someone to join in, really not.”
Geert Crevits - Extract from Morya Wisdom 3: God lives in your heart, chapter 6
“ Look to see what it is you want to achieve, take the necessary steps needed for this and especially try to have the necessary patience. Very many people will join in these groups and impatiently begin working to achieve immediate results, but it doesn’t work like this.
Where does someone stand, what does he have to learn, what does he first have to experience, what karma must he go through, what is his relation to the group? Thus, there are very many things that have to first take place and at a certain time that patience will be rewarded.
Many people will impatiently begin working to achieve immediate results, but it doesn’t work like this.
It’s the patience that will be rewarded, and not the work. And this is curious. A person is anxious to get to work but this is just what he shouldn’t do. He does have to invest his time in the group, and especially invest his love.
When this happens the reward will come. I’m not saying this to pacify you by saying: “You’re doing well and you’ll get there.” No, it’s a real job. It’s a work that can’t be compared to any other kind of work on this Earth.
You have to uphold other principles, work with other ideas, with another kind of open-heartedness. It’s learning to come together in a new way and learning to deal with new energies. It’s learning to live in a completely different way. This is what you should be able to do: let go of all old ideas, come together with openness, with love, with tenderness and with patience - so that you are able to pray and can ask. In this manner you can cover quite a distance."
Geert Crevits - Extract from Morya Wisdom 3: God lives in your heart, chapter 6
“If you can join in the process of transformation together with others, then you are connected with one another from heart to heart and because of this new insights will come.
When together with two, three, four or more people - which is naturally what I would wish - you can accept this transformation within yourself, then links are formed between you. Then you set out together, as it were, and this creates an infinite power with enormous possibilities. It also means you will do other things.
By entering into the transformation together, one renewal after another will take place, for each member of the group holds the key to the transformation and each one can bring forth their own personal insight that can help the others, and this is very important. But it must emanate from joy.
Each member of the group holds the key to the transformation.
The happier you dare to be, the better for this Earth. You should take it as your task. You should see it as a gift. See it as an invitation, as something important for the whole of this Earth. (…)
It's not important for you to be able to see if the other is taking part in this or not. Know that even if you are all alone and can't see whether or not the other is taking part, you should still dare to do it.
When you dare to stand alone, people will join you and it will happen by itself. You will see that if a group is formed, it will carry on.
"This is joyful, I'm glad to have met you and I'm glad we can go on with this".
A number of people will stay in touch and keep coming together. You shouldn't force this, it has to happen by itself. There should be sparks that flash and make you say: "This is joyful, I'm glad to have met you and I'm glad we can go on with this". In this manner you can go forward and arrive at a structure, the nature of which accepts the angels and their work within yourself. (…)
Don't create exclusive groups. Don't say: "These people belong to our group and those not." No, you must be open for all people. It isn't pride that should be your guide, it is love, and love is the exact opposite of pride. Love opens your heart, pride closes it. Love holds the key, pride loses it. This is how you should see it."
Geert Crevits - Extracts from Morya Wisdom book 6: "Ontmoeting met Engelen" (Meeting with Angels), chapters 2 and 5
“Many things will happen in groups. When you, yourself, start with a group or join a new group, then you need to really have a lot of patience and not condemn anyone. Whoever joins the group, you will always need to have patience to be able to listen to this person and to look upon him or her as a brother or sister. When you can manage to do this a tender energy will be born and thereby you will have the energy to be yourself in this group.
Don't condemn anyone, but have the patience to be able to listen to people and to look upon them as a brother or sister.
If there is something wrong in the group, you shouldn’t complain and try to do something about it. No, try to accept everything.
Be the one who is able to express tenderness and love. And for the rest don’t bother about it. What the others say or do is of little importance.
If someone else can also express this love then you will be with two, and if a third person comes who acts in the same gentle manner and is open for everything, then there will be three of you. In this way it can go on. If you are all on your own then don’t feel sad, because I am with you. I will be with you if you are alone. If you think you won’t be able to make it, I will support you and in this way we will always be with two.
I will be with you if you are alone. If you think you won’t be able to make it, I will support you and in this way we will always be with two.
It’s not necessary for there to be many people, you can even have a group of only two or three. This is sufficient.
Don’t go tugging and dragging one another. Let everyone be free. Who comes, comes and whoever doesn’t come, doesn’t come. This is not important at all.
And don’t go around saying that the other has to think like this or like that and that he has to follow along the lines of what I have said. No, this has absolutely no importance. It’s important for you to find yourself and to express yourself with love and in freedom. This will automatically bring you to Me, to others and to the values that are important.
Let everyone be free. Who comes, comes and whoever doesn’t come, doesn’t come.
If you want to attain this for yourself, then you can count on My support. I say this again and I repeatedly say it, because I know what I am saying. It is a difficult path, I know, and yet you will be helped."
Geert Crevits - Extract from Morya Wisdom 3: God lives in your heart, chapter 8
“ Contact with angels creates many possibilities on this earth and even if you fail to experience the angel at a certain moment, you are still taking part in the event and it’s essential for you to realise this.
You must never be jealous of someone else and never feel left behind if you don’t have an experience yourself, for you can still fulfil a very important task in the group, one just as important as that of everyone else, even if you don’t experience anything at all.
You can still fulfil a task as important as that of everyone else, even if you don’t experience anything at all.
You should be aware of this otherwise you are likely to make the mistake of excluding yourself from the group and this is not the intention. Know you are someone who belongs to the group and is capable of living in the power of this field of energy and with the power of this joy. This is important."
Geert Crevits - Extracts from Morya Wisdom book 6: "Ontmoeting met Engelen" (Meeting with Angels), chapter 7
“In every group there should be people who are able to see the thread, the general line of development in the group. And though, now and then, things may be added, it’s not good to always be bringing everything into question and having everyone go off in one direction and then having everyone go off in another direction again for eight days, again for a month, again for half a year, no. Stay calm when something is in the process of developing and learn to make a distinction between deep trends and superficial things that could and should be, so-called, important.
It’s not good to always be bringing everything into question.
If it’s not important yet then it’s not important, it may perhaps become important but that is still to see.
Know, too, that when you take a step in a certain direction you have to give it time, just as with a child. When a child is born you should realize that this is a huge responsibility. It’s not just a case of giving it something to eat today and then tomorrow saying: ‘well, now take care of yourself,’ this can’t be, definitely not. It’s the same with an idea; it’s the same for something new that you take on in life. You need to give this idea a chance, you have to nourish it, you have to do something for it, you should keep busy with it, and these are all things you can learn to do.
(...) And, naturally, you can’t go off in every direction and travel every road; this is also not necessary. But it goes without saying that the majority of the people in the group should think it a good thing to now proceed in this manner.
And if there is someone who, from his own originality, wants to accentuate something and cannot convince the others to agree, then there should be space enough for this one person to, for instance, try something out; this should be possible.
You may have a slight reservation about this yet you can include it, build it in, so that there is actually one thread of development but that almost simultaneously there are also individual developments going on that at certain moments are able to add something to the group, but this is not always necessary.
It should be a vibrant entity. A group is something very particular, it’s difficult to describe. When someone new joins the group it can sometimes totally change the climate of the group, but don’t be taken aback by this.
You shouldn’t always want to contextualize everything, verbalizing everything to the last detail. The group should be a vibrant entity.
You shouldn’t always want to contextualize everything, verbalizing everything to the last detail, because this is encumbering, it’s too difficult.
The group should really have a kind of life-stream, a life that belongs to the group, a soul that belongs to the group, and it is this soul that you should learn to understand. That’s why you should be able to live with values in the group.
What kind of love is being experienced in the group? What is its attention focused upon? What is truly interesting? In which way can you give of your best in a group? In which way can various points be developed in a particular group?
You can ask yourself very many questions about what the next step could be, so that it will be a logical result of the first or of the number of steps already taken.”
Geert Crevits - Extracts from "Morya Kracht 1: Kiezen om jezelf te zijn" (Choosing to be yourself), chapter 14
“There may be tensions in the group that obscures the issue, as it were, and always causes things to end up in a certain controversy or in a dispute amongst a few people.
If this involves just a couple of people you can ask them to meet together with a third or fourth person in order to talk this over privately, so as not to disturb the group. In doing this you should proceed with great care and you don’t need to involve the whole group.
The group should be able to accept the fact that things happen apart from the group, which is, nevertheless, indirectly involved.
The group should be able to accept the fact that things happen apart from the group, which is, nevertheless, indirectly involved."
Geert Crevits - Extract from "Morya Kracht 1: Kiezen om jezelf te zijn" (Choosing to be yourself), chapter 14
“No criticisms. It’s difficult to simply accept who the other is; this is difficult. Because once you begin then you want this and then you want that and it may be you fail to achieve what you want. And yet you needn’t be sad. Learn to love life, your life, too, also your life in relationship to the others.
Daring to be happy is important, so that you can bring this joy and this spontaneity over to the group."
Geert Crevits - Extract from "Morya Kracht 1: Kiezen om jezelf te zijn" (Choosing to be yourself), chapter 14
“... That’s why patience is so important in a group. It’s not a matter of always being busy with a construction; this isn’t possible. A group has rhythms, soul rhythms, one time it moves forward, at another time it stagnates and then again something new comes along and you can’t always judge it.
A group has rhythms and you cannot always judge that.
That’s why you shouldn’t be disillusioned if it doesn’t prove to be what you had expected. But when you come into contact with people – these people – then a peace can come.
Within a group it’s necessary to work, something should be done and it shouldn’t be just anything. There should be time for silence, there should be time for attention, there should be time for objectivity and there should be something like a desire to experience beautiful, good things.
This is all easy to say but when you are busy you may become disillusioned in the people there, in the things, in the reactions, and each time it may lapse into something personal.
Each time it may lapse into something personal - be on your guard for this.
Be on your guard for this so that you, yourself, don’t get caught up with this too much. It shouldn’t become a social chitchat, it should be something that gives a sense of goodness; something with real joy."
Geert Crevits - Extract from "Morya Kracht 1: Kiezen om jezelf te zijn" (Choosing to be yourself), chapter 14
“ If you, as an individual, come to realize the greater values of life, you will have really accomplished an exceptionally great work. Perhaps only two or three people will experience this together. Then you must wait for the others.
Don’t run on ahead, don’t think: ‘we know and you don’t know.’ No, because in this way you will divide the group and this is not the right manner. Therefore, not everything can be introduced to the group, but at a certain moment the spark will be there and then there will be a reality that can certainly be discussed.
Not everything is discussible and this is also not necessary.
But not everything is discussible and this is also not necessary. Yet there is still much you can bring to the group and, especially when you are active and really working, very many things can be introduced and people can then gradually begin to understand.
It might happen that you experience something and know it’s important for the group, yet when you begin to talk about it you find you are on your own. After a short time, however, someone else in the group suddenly has a much greater insight than you. You could then think: ‘yes, but I was still the best’, but then you are on the personality level and may find that the group reacts differently.
It’s not about suddenly getting a degree or being better than someone else, this is not the way a group works. It’s a matter of being sincere with yourself, with the others, and knowing: ‘everyone in the group is important’. Otherwise you can’t experience what you experience in the group, because everyone’s energy is necessary in order for something to be revealed through someone.
It’s not about being better than someone else, this is not the way a group works. Everyone in the group is important, because everyone’s energy is necessary in order for something to be revealed through someone.
Know that your life is very important and that it goes together with the lives of others. Don’t be mistaken; the least may well once become the greatest and the greatest the smallest."
Geert Crevits - Extract from "Morya Kracht 1: Kiezen om jezelf te zijn" (Choosing to be yourself), chapter 9
“When you meditate together in a group, those who are present are not there by chance. One person will bring this to the group, the other brings that - from the essential profound level of life, from life’s soul force.
You will feel: it’s not by chance that we have come here together to experience this. But it will take a while before you can bring this up in the group, and it’s also not always necessary to do this. People can share realities with one another without being aware of it.
And yet, at a certain moment it will make itself known within the life of the group, something is said that strikes a chord with the group, they recognize themselves therein and know: ‘actually we are busy with that.’
A structure is being laid above and throughout the group. An energy is being sent so that an educational program can be established, a learning program. Unconsciously you will want this; when you’re with the group and are sincere, you will realize that it could always be better, nicer, and this is possible.
You will feel: it’s not by chance that we have come here together to experience this.
It’s a fact, too, that for every group there is a very special presence. This can be an angel, it can be a teacher, it can be a master; people sometimes call these guides, the words don’t matter.
Sometimes an energy is present so that there is a light, a very special light and, in one way or another, people can experience that in their lives. Especially those who have a connection with a certain vibration, with a certain level, with a certain light, will be able to extract something from it and understand it, at least in part. This is not to say that it can always be understood. But through the contact that exists between the people - because they are busy together doing good things, because they are trying to make peace with one another, because there is a prayer in their hearts that has a certain orientation, a certain goal - energy is being sent to them so that they might be supported in facing their personal difficulties and so that they might also be prepared to help heal the difficulties of others, to help people gain insight, to help them gain a deeper level of understanding.
People can be brought together and, from this, many possibilities arise. Greater possibilities can arise within a group, as a soul group, as something being shown to this group. This involves a whole evolution, especially in what concerns honesty and patience. It’s not a matter of personal will, such as: ‘I want to experience this; if I join this group then I’ll experience this and the group has to guarantee it.’ This is ridiculous. There can be a presence in the group and this fact can gradually become a value for this group. The contact with this presence will gradually expand, as it were, and on the lines of light that are actually being created, you will be able to find a kind of joy, which is specific for this group because this is what the presence brings.
I repeat, it could be an angel, it could be a guide, it could be an important someone who manifests himself/herself within this group. People nearly never have a conscious choice in this and it’s not necessary.
You should know, however, that when you join a group you should be sincere. And this sincerity should be absolute; you need to be an honest person if you wish to function in the group. Sincerity is important because by being sincere you can, first of all, realize a great deal in your own life and, besides this, you gradually become more and more open for the lives of others. This doesn’t need to happen too quickly, you shouldn’t set a time limit on a development, but it can be something very fascinating."
When you join a group you should be sincere; you need to be an honest person.
Geert Crevits - Extracts from "Morya Kracht 1: Kiezen om jezelf te zijn" (Choosing to be yourself), chapter 9
“You may be in meditation, or in silence - let’s call it this for now - without having a single noteworthy experience even though very great and important things are taking place. Afterwards you will notice it by being suddenly aware: ‘oh, what an enormous peace came to me during my meditation.’ Later you can then become conscious of this.
There are people who live in this peace for a couple of years without ever being aware of it. It’s only after these few years that they realise how much has happened in this silence, and in this peace. Therefore, you need to have patience with yourself, and certainly have much patience when you gather together with others in groups.
Sometimes it may seem like an elimination race
Sometimes it may seem like an elimination race; you started off strong but after a while you don’t see where it could be leading to and why it’s actually necessary to come together. But, with patience, and when you will have finally been able to find the peace in your heart, it will be very pleasant to be together in this stillness and in this peace.
It won’t, however, be anything spectacular, at least not at the beginning. Finally, however, you may begin to see certain possibilities, certain paths you can take and, due to certain understandings amongst yourselves, you may decide to go in a particular direction, saying: ‘Look, this is really something for us.’ Then things will really take off.
Therefore, when through this stillness you have reached a peace - a peace you will have experienced together and a peace through which you will have covered a distance, and which later will have led you to do a certain work that brings a great clarity to your life - then you will suddenly join together with others on the path and a great deal can happen. (...)
So dare to make contact with others, and even if you can’t always be with them, you should still try to join them in spirit, for then you will be in the same energy.
It really doesn’t matter whether you can be physically present or not, but it does mean that at a certain moment you should try to be physically present, even if only now and then, to find support and to realise: ‘look, here I am also receiving guidance.’
Even if you can’t always be with the group, try to join them in spirit.
These are great adventures you are heading towards, but they take place in the deepest stillness, almost in secrecy, and almost in a kind of struggle to be yourself in them.
Don’t ever be dependent upon someone else therein. Know you have your own path to journey and, when you can be in stillness, it may not at all be spectacular for you, you may even have the impression of being bored, but it all doesn’t matter.
At other moments you will have the impression it is greatly significant and very beautiful, and you will suddenly understand: ‘hey, it’s true, the silence was there, the peace was there, and only now am I beginning to understand it.’
There is a passageway of difficulties that must be gone through with the group you are working in.
Thus, you should be able to journey the path of stilling the mind, and leave the tunnel behind you. This is what you should learn: that you are travelling through a passageway of difficulties. This passageway must also be gone through with the group you are working in.
If certain tensions should arise because you have the impression nothing is happening, then you should be able to accept this and know: ‘okay, it’s fine that nothing is happening.’
When you can find tranquillity, peace, then you can go forward and, in whatever way, you will have covered a certain distance. Inevitably, the Angel of Presence who registers this, the Angel who knows what you are doing, will, together with other Angels, guide the group and you will end up where you should be.
This is a slow process, because while you are working as a group, the Angels will do their work; they will lay down the lines of communication, they will bring things to clarity and things will take form within the ethereal structures. This is what is now occurring on a grand scale on this earth.
It's a slow process and it is happening in stillness and often unseen.
There are many Angels who are laying down structures of communication between groups and between the people in those groups, so that the new world can be born. But this is happening in stillness and often unseen, since there are very few visionaries on earth living on a level that enables them to keep track of this.”
Geert Crevits - Extracts from Morya Wisdom book 7: "De grote ontdekkingsreis" (The great voyage of discovery), chapter 16
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