“You will come to understand that when you begin to meditate with a group, you can reach forces that are infinitely greater than what you could reach if you only get together to chat to one another."
(Morya Wisdom 3, chapter 6)
“ You don’t need to copy anyone, you don’t need to imitate any group, you just have to be yourself—also in the group as well as with the group. Any emphasis you lay that comes from the thinking mind won’t be correct. You should just approach everything that presents itself with the openness of life, and this is the importance you should find therein. It’s marvellous to be together in this way."
(Morya Wijsheid book 7, chapter 16)
In many of his books, Master Morya encourages people to come together in small, local groups. Following this advice, real "Morya groups" have been formed, some of which have been meeting for many years around Master Morya's books and texts.
Each Morya group chooses what to do and how to do it. Generally, the meetings are based around Master Morya’s texts—for example, the books, the full moon letters or the reflective text from the latest Mayil newsletter.
Furthermore, the group may make time for group meditations, short or longer ones. Master Morya always emphasizes the importance of group meditations.
Some groups also like to close the meetings with each member picking a Morya card, which may or may not then be read aloud or discussed in the group.
A group can start off with as few as two people, so it can easily take place in someone's living room.
At "Master Morya's advice for groups" you will find many useful insights and advice for anyone who meets with others on a regular basis.
Each group decides for itself what they will do and how the meetings will be conducted. Usually the person who took the initiative to start the group will choose the first implementation. From experience this then gradually grows into a unique formula everyone feels good with. The set-up need not be fixed, it can easily change and continue to evolve.
Most common activities of a meeting:
In general, meetings are based around Master Morya’s texts.
Someone reads a passage aloud while the others read silently or listen. Then the content of the text can be discussed together. Try to summarize in your own words what was just read. Ask yourself if you understand what He is talking about and try, together with the other participants, to find examples in your own life of what Master Morya says.
As a group you can think of one or more small assignments around the theme that was discussed in the meeting, something to pay attention to between meetings or to work on in your own life. In this way you can learn to put the insights of Master Morya into practice.
At the beginning of the next meeting you can then share with each other what you have discovered or learned in the meantime.
Master Morya thinks it very important that people meditate together, observe silence together. You can do one meditation or several. On this website you will find examples of meditations that you can do together, but you can also let it be a silent moment together, without a particular interpretation of the meditation.
The meditations may be short or longer. When you meditate together, don't make it dark, make sure there is enough light and oxygen, and try to see to it that the room is neither too cold nor too hot.
Be sure to invite Master Morya to your meditations as well, and inwardly ask for His guidance. When you ask Him, He comes!
... For example, by asking for help from the angels:
“When certain regions of this world experience great difficulties there is no need for you to rush to that place but you can send your angel there by asking him. Being aware you can do this may be very important, and it’s also important to know you can do this as a group. In these times I would ask you – get together with a few people and consciously ask the angel who is with you to go there to help. You will then be able to feel an energy leaving the group and at the same time you will be able to experience an enormous feeling of happiness together. But the condition is that this must happen honestly, otherwise it won’t be right or correct and it would be better not to take part. But, on the other hand, if it is done with an honest intention, right and good, then it may be that you will experience very consciously the function the angel has in your life and that he carries out on this earth."
(Morya Wijsheid book 6, chapter 7)
Many groups also like to start or end the meetings with the Morya cards. Each person present picks a card. This card may or may not be read aloud or discussed in the group. Many people find the message they receive so striking that they write it down afterwards, save it digitally or send it to themselves, so that they can read it again later. A very good idea!
Those who come pay a small amount—the price of a coffee, for instance—to the person organizing the meeting, partly as a contribution towards the costs (coffee/tea, cookies, heating, lighting...) and partly as a ‘thank you’ for their opening their home to you.
Of course, the Morya meetings are always without obligation, no one is obliged to keep coming or to be present every time. It’s important that everyone feels welcome and free to come or not.
Master Morya recommends that groups meet fairly regularly, and preferably in the same room:
“(...) try to make a habit of it at certain, fixed times. Try to put some kind of rhythm into it. This means meeting regularly and at the same place, preferably one specific place that you sanctify by meditation and the Presence. Try not to change the meeting places too often. Try to meet at regular times and out of this something essential will evolve."
(Morya Wijsheid book 5, chapter 7)
Belgium has a dozen local groups.
Please go to the Dutch-speaking group page to view their information.
The Netherlands also has about four local groups.
Please go to the Dutch group page to view their information.
Five Morya groups are active in Poland.
Please go to the Polish group page to view their information.
If you would like to start a small group in your home, please contact us! We will be most happy to assist you in any way we can.
Read more about starting your own group here.
Read Master Morya's practical insights about groups and people coming together
Master Morya's advice for groupsGet to know nine important basic principles within Master Morya's work
IntroductionStarting a group is not at all as difficult or formal as you might think.
Starting your own group