October 2018

Mayil eNieuws

Dearest eNews readers,

Circumstances in life can sometimes be very symbolic and visually suggestive. Take our street, for instance, which I look out on from my home office. It's been closed to traffic since April and so for months it has been blissfully quiet here around our home and garden, while just a bit further up the road works were in full swing. Of course that peace couldn't last and now since August our part of the street too is undergoing a total renewal. Everything is being broken out, dug away, renewed and, step by step, reconstructed. While it seems chaotic, causing all kinds of hindrances and temporarily doesn't allow for any kind of traffic whatsoever, a completely new, better structure is being formed for the future.  

Even though we have been confronted with this image on a daily basis for many weeks it was just a few days ago that it dawned on me that here at Mayil we are in a rather similar situation. Because even if there are no activities right now and only few new projects are actually being realized, I am experiencing how, within Mayil, a new energetic structure is gradually becoming visible  - what with new contacts and assistants, promising international projects, a new outlook on many levels, new ideas and habits and broader insights, so that future work and international cooperation will be able to run better and more smoothly. 

At the same time I'm so very grateful that I don't feel alone in this grand adventure, not only because of the close and steady cooperation I have with my mother Lydia, the inconspicuous care of my father Geert, and the invariable presence of Master Morya, but also thanks to each one of you - all our faithful readers, clients, fans, translators, volunteers and contributors. I would therefore like to sincerely thank you all for wanting to go forward towards that blessed future together with us. With joyous regards from Marie

Meditation for the full moon of 24th October 2018

Master Morya,

"It is good to be true to yourself, this is deeply meaningful. Don’t think that you have to comply and fall into line with others because you perhaps think: ‘maybe they know better, they have more experience, they are more objective.’ Don’t do it. Your own way, your own personal way is very important and, therefore, trust in your deepest being, in your heart, in your soul.

So much can change in the intention of your life. As a child you were sent off to school, to a study programme, you complied with your parents’ wishes, you did things which were important, but now you may have suddenly come onto a different track, something you feel inwardly to be very important. Follow that. Don’t hesitate.  

Trust in what you feel deep within yourself is important. And that can differ from one moment to the next, but it doesn’t matter. This trust will allow you to gradually discover the direction of your life, you will discover the thread in your life and then you'll be able to be happy with what you do because inwardly you will be within that reference pattern of: ‘there is something in me beginning to speak’ and you should make sure that this continues.   

Because when you are a child there is that inner contact with the soul, but as you grow older this can ebb away and other voices impose themselves: those of your teachers, the people around you, authorities, people with diplomas, or whoever or whatever it may be that says what you should do. Eventually, this can go so far that you always listen only to them: to your partner, to your child, your neighbour, your doctor….and inwardly you are smothering that voice: ‘don’t say it anymore, don’t speak to me anymore, I’m not listening anyway.’ 

Dare to turn this around. Dare to look at the reality of your own life from within, from your own heart, knowing what it is you want. Don’t let yourself be distracted by circumstances, by those around you, by the time in which you are living, by the problems you see around you. Dare to be happy with your life, be happy with what you do, concretely and everyday. Make choices from what you inwardly feel is important.  

Don’t go against yourself. Don’t always say: ‘Quiet, you don’t know ’ but learn to point out to yourself: “You do know, you will find it, you will go forward, it’s going well, you’ll see.” Be positive about yourself. Dare to make friends with yourself. (...)"

Meester Morya

Master Morya

© Mayil.com, Geert Crevits - Source:
“Morya Bezinning 10: Je bent je eigen leraar” (You are your own teacher)
excerpt from chapter 1

Morya Bezinning 10: Je bent je eigen leraar
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