November 2019

Mayil eNieuws

Dearest eNews readers,

On the 22nd of November it will be exactly 34 years since Master Morya officially came into our lives. Thirty four years.... that's almost the whole of my life. His presence was always discreet, simple, understanding and patient. Most often, you could only see afterwards how you had been guided, helped and protected. "You are never alone," He says. "I will always be there for you," is his promise to each one of his readers. But the first step needs to come from us, by thinking of Him, asking for his help, reading in one of his books, saying his name or by placing his tall figure by our side in our imagination. eRegards from Marie

Meester Morya copyright

Meditation for the full moon of 12th November 2019

Master Morya,

"It’s important to get an idea about your own energy. That’s why moments of happiness, of peace, are so important. For instance, when you are alone at home with no one around you, the children are out, your partner has stepped out for a moment, you are alone at home and happy with the small things that are there. You aren’t worried, you aren’t sad, you don’t mind that you still have to do this or that and all the other things expected of you, in short, at that moment you are being a little bit reasonable with yourself and towards others, you can see what’s possible and what’s not possible. You are therefore starting to look objectively at your life and the lives of others. You’re trying to evaluate it a little and then you can, indeed, be peaceful, cheerful and happy at a certain moment.

This moment is then important, because at that time you can feel what your own energy is like, what belongs to you, what really fits with you. Because when you are happy you can get to know the energy of that happiness, which is your own energy.

Don’t brush this aside, don’t think: ‘I don’t have the right to be happy, I’m wasting my time, I still have to do this and that and that’, and then you again start rushing and again begin asking yourself questions. No, stay in that happiness, in that peace. In that reasonable moment you can become aware of that deep peace which is within you.

These are significant moments. Realize that if you consciously assimilate this moment – knowing you can be happy – you can also learn to live with this same energy when you are with others. Don’t let this energy be disturbed, also not by others. It’s a learning process, learning to love life, little by little, learning to love your life, to love the deep joy of your life. Learn to live with joy, learn to give it attention and learn to know that this joy can be very fragile.

A single word from another person can affect you so much that it can blow this joy away, so that you can’t manage to grab hold of it any more and you wonder: ‘How is it possible, just a minute ago I was so happy and now it’s all gone’, maybe only by thinking of someone else or by thinking about another person’s agitation. And yet these moments of joy are very important for, thereby, you learn to know yourself as you are.

If you once succeed in holding on to this joy despite other people’s tensions, perhaps despite a certain kind of timidity you have when you are with others, then that deep tranquility, that deep peace will, indeed, stay with you longer. It’s a question of seconds, maybe minutes. But this struggle is important, this struggle to dare to be happy and not to absorb too many things from others at the moment when you feel this happiness.

At the moment you are happy you should really dare to be completely happy and know that this is important, this one moment. And when the moment is swept away then look to see how your energy changes when you, for example, think of him or her or when you begin asking questions, or when you expect that this or that will probably happen again.

These are subtle movements of your heart, of your desires, of your expectations, of your thoughts, and there can be a leakage in this subtle movement, some small thing that has escaped your mind, whereby a certain sadness creeps in or an irritation or a restlessness. At first you may not notice these feelings but as you become conscious of the difference after a moment when you have been so happy and conscious of what has given rise to this difference, then you’ll realize that there is something you can do about it."

Meester Morya

Master Morya

©, Geert Crevits - Source:
“Morya Kracht 1: Kiezen om jezelf te zijn” (Choosing to be yourself), from chapter 12: ‘The key to the force’

Morya Kracht 1: Kiezen om jezelf te zijn
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